News and Events

Rock 'n' Roll Bingo
Save the Date: Rock 'n' Roll Bingo!
When:   Saturday 15th March 2025
Where:  St Stephen's Community Centre

Get ready to  dab your way to a full house  in a night packed with music, fun and excitement! This unique bingo event combines your favourite hits with classic bingo thrills. Ticket price includes food and bingo cards. There will also be a raffle at half time including prizes donated by some of Guernsey's local businesses! Keep an eye out on our Facebook for more information.

Upcoming Show: Annie Jr.
St Stephen's Players proudly present Annie Jr. in 2025!
Join us at the Performing Arts Centre for a heartwarming musical adventure:

Thursday 18th July at 7pm

Friday 19th July at 3pm and 7pm

Directed by Abbie Forman, this  production brings the beloved tale of optimism and resilience to life.
Stay tuned for ticket information -  Coming soon!

Request for Content - Archives

If any current or previous St Stephens Players have any programmes, pictures or videos of events, Pantomimes, shows etc, could we please borrow them to make copies to place in the archives.

Please email us at to let use know, or send us anything you have.

Thank you!